Power - how to raise in the house the fast and the methods available to you

a man holding dumbbells

Even in our century, the technology and the progress of many men and women do not have the time to take your health and maintain at an adequate level. Problems with diet, stress and bad ecology - they are not the best companions for a good power. There are cases, when the long-awaited intimate relationship appears suddenly - usually the first time You had the time to prepare. Such a situation requires effective and fastest ways to increase libido and erection quality to the maximum height for the minimum period of time.

How to increase libido in men

You need to understand that the tiredness there is the possibility of becoming a sexy hero - refers and stress. You have to get in order, and if you have time, worth of sleep. The problem of poor vacation prevents to live to many people, but only 8-9 hours of normal sleep to resolve the problem. The main thing - do not overdo it: more than 9 hours of sleep will give you the opposite effect.

Stress can be very to spoil the evening. When reassuring for the medication, and even more antidepressants will make You lethargic and inhibited. To manage stress worth to drink green tea ordinary - and you can add chamomile, bergamot or mint. Also from nervous tension helps the vitamin C – one-two tablets, and the stress is let go.

Before having sex is also recommended:

  • Take a shower contrast;
  • Make a light load;
  • Do warm-up exercises and stretching.

All this sets the body to physical activity, and improve blood circulation.

Prior to the sexual act strong push is total, the tone will give the coffee. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system, and robust and hot coffee works best in this situation. Don't forget to strong tea with lots of lemon, and the chocolate too bitter. All of these wonderful products can work in your favor, as well as tone up the brain and give joy. Alcohol can only do worse.

How to increase potency in men folk remedies

We turn to the natural elements. To begin with, take into account the ones that you can buy in the pharmacy or at the market, and then quickly prepare and drink:

  • Ginseng is a very famous in all over the world the plant. The roots of ginseng is used by all diseases. From America to China, ginseng has been used and applied throughout the world. Ginseng has a strong stimulation of the whole organism, increases the resistance and the general resistance is natural and very strong aphrodisiac.
  • Root golden (rhodiola rosea) – has almost the same effect, like ginseng, but in Russia grows more and costs less.
  • Epimedium (horny goat weed) - in traditional chinese medicine is the male stimulant. It enhances the stimulation of the central nervous system, and also the circulation of the pelvic organs. A powerful aphrodisiac and simulator, which prolongs the sex, gives strength and endurance. If taken regularly increases the size of the penis.

It is possible to use different medicines. The most important thing – to understand what chemical compounds The body reacts well to and which will not, and better to take only natural products. Natural medications, side effects of no, and the coating are most easy. The main thing - is the lack of intolerance components. Below the article are presented some of our medicines.

How to improve male potency in the house – products of beekeeping

Here we are arrived at the price the most delicious part of this article – the products, improving the power. Honey - our all! The use of honey every day, the general state is improved, and the sex becomes longer and occurs more often.

Products of beekeeping, for the improvement of the erection:

  • Honey and walnuts – an hour before the sexual intercourse, it is sufficient to eat 2 tablespoons of honey with the addition of 3 nuts. And you can go in the sexy exploits. These ingredients stimulate strongly the body, give a lot of energy and improve the power;
  • The pollen contains large amounts of protein and trace elements, improves the power and works as a powerful aphrodisiac;
  • Royal jelly – relieves stress and fatigue, gives vivacity and a strong erection;
  • Drone homogenate (drone milk) – even more tones and gives a huge burst of joy, but also long-lasting erection.

This small, but very effective set lord, you can buy virtually everywhere, and cheap. Products of honey in combination with tea gives a full effect.

Physical exercises to increase libido quickly

Many physical exercises for the power aim to increase the circulation of blood in the pelvis. Basic exercises to improve power:

  • Squats – improved circulation of the blood in the basin, are listed in the tone blood vessels and the inguinal artery.
  • Kegel exercises are two exercises, which stimulate sexual function in men. They give the most strong and long lasting effect of all the exercises for the power. Tighten the testes to the pubic bone, and then lower slowly and calmly. Tighten the muscles of the perineum and pull in the anus, then back again. These exercises are the main base for the stimulation of the sexual function in men. Run every day for 100-200 times. Kegel exercises strengthen the sex organ and increase its size.

Prevention of problems with the power

As if it seemed trivial, but a healthy lifestyle really works. Regular walks in the open air, separated from the physical exercise will support You in constant harmony for many years. Any type of activity that You can do, be it hiking or swimming, running, and many others will help you start to feel a boost of energy and joy, even without stimulation.

For a good prevention of sexual dysfunction can be attributed:

  1. The regular sexual life;
  2. A proper power supply;
  3. Reset excess weight;
  4. The refusal from smoking and alcohol;
  5. Regular check-ups by a doctor.

The observance of these recommendations will improve Your life and give you sexual vigor to old age.